Yellow River Hanoverians is hosting a Show Jumping Show! The show ends on May 10th, 2012
To enter send the below application to with the title as 'YRH Jumping Show' with the pictures attached!
Your Name (or rider's name):
Horse's Name:
Stable's Name:
Stable's Site:
Three Pictures (Please none with multiple pictures on a background, if you know what I mean)
*Each of the horse doing any show jump, CC jumps are allowed!
*Rider should wear a dark colored jacket and light colored breeches
*Horse should wear white saddle pad, black english bridle, black english saddle, leg wraps are allowed.
*Editing like coloring and adding frames is allowed
*WEC Grand Galaxy**Grafenhof Stables*
*GHS Bittersweet Melancholy**Gtafenhof Stables*
*RWS Highland Fling**Vicentia Stables*
*MGS Underwater Superstar**Rotherford Farm Estates*
*RFE Vibrant Parallel**Rotherford Farm Estates*
*RFS Fire Forged Myth**Rotherford Farm Estates*
*AC Truth Is Beauty**Rotherford Farm Estates*
*RWS Black Hawk**Ravenwood Stables*
*DHS Ghostly Attraction**Dark Horse Stables*
*DHS Hridayesh**Dark Horse Stables*
*LEC Elusive Embrace**Coeur D'Coeurs Equestrian*
*ILA Lady Pilot**Coeur D'Coeurs Equestrian*
First Place......AC/RFE Truth Is Beauty (29/30 Points)
Second Place......LEC/CDC Elusive Embrace (28/30 Points)
Third Place......ILA/CDC Lady Pilot (27/30 Points)
Fourth Place......MGS/RFE Underwater Superstar (26/30 Points)
Fifth Place......WEC/GHS Grand Galaxy (25/30 Points)